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Great clubs need a great committee, we need you!

It's nearly Annual General Meeting time for Winsto and all current members are invited to see and hear how the club is run and for the new committee to be voted in.

We have scheduled our AGM for 12th Dec 2023, 7pm at the Max Ruddock meeting rooms. Members were sent an email with the time, date and location back in October.

You can simply turn up on the night or RSVP via the event we have created at which has all the details you need to know.

If you want to nominate you had better be quick - really quick - as nominations MUST be with by the 8th of November. The form you need can be found on our website at

Our Club is only as strong as its committee. If Cricket at Winsto is important to you and your family members we'd love for you to help in any way you can. All committee roles are described in our By Laws which you can find at

If we have a small committee we can't do as many things for our members as we would love to do. Your committee is completely comprised of volunteers and nothing happens without their devotion. Please get involved if you can and Cricket means something important to your family.

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